The main objective of our Desktop Investigation Service is to use our expertise to build empathy and rapport with the customer whilst undertaking an interview incorporating behavioural psychology. This ensures that those customers with genuine claims feel supported with a positive customer journey, whilst exposing inconsistencies or deception in a non-confrontational manner in the proportion of claims which are not genuine in part or as a whole.
Our Desktop Investigation Service enables consistent, auditable and accurate risk assessment with a key focus on all of your customers being treated fairly.
We focus upon the events leading up to and surrounding the claim as well as the items involved. Desktop Investigation can be deployed as part of any process where a financial outcome is dependent upon the information gathered during an interview.
Effective Desktop Investigation adds an extra outcome other than settlement and repudiation, which is that of the ‘walk away’.
Repudiation on grounds of fraud can prove difficult to evidence and sustain, however through the use of subliminal messages, customers who display dishonest responses are given the opportunity not to pursue claims further or ‘walk away’.
(Click to find out more about our Intelligence Led Investigations)